Constructors in Java

Constructors in Java

Constructors In Java Notes


Constructor is a member function with the same name as that of a class and is used to initialize the data members of the class with a legal initial value.

There are two types of constructors:

  • Parameterized constructor – Constructor which receives parameters.
  • Non-parameterized constructor (default constructor) – Constructor which does not receive any parameter.

Difference Between Constructor and Method

Constructor Method
Same name as that of class Any name (legal identifier) except class name
Has no return value May or may not have a return value
Called automatically when an object of the class is created Called explicitly

Constructor Overloading

Several constructors in a class that are differentiated by the number or type of parameters they receive are called overloaded constructors and the concept used to create them is called constructor overloading.

Access Specifiers

  1. Private access specifier refers to the data members/methods that are private to a class and therefore cannot be used outside the class definition.
  2. Protected access specifier refers to the data members/methods that can be used within the same class as well as in those classes that are derived from it within the same package.
  3. Public access specifier refers to the data members/methods that can be used in the same class as well as all other classes.
  4. If no other access specifier is used, the class member takes default friendly or package access which means that data members/methods are accessible within the same class, within the same package but not in the subclasses (derived classes).