ISC Computer Theory Sample Questions

ISC Theory Sample Questions


  1. Use the truth table to show that: (A.B+C)+(A.B)’=1
  2. State the two absorption laws. Verify one of them using truth table
  3. Convert the given function to its equivalent POS form F(A,B,C)=∑(0,3,5,7)
  4. Convert the following function as a sum of minterms: F(X,Y,Z)=X.Y+Y’.Z
  5. Simplify using laws of Boolean- (P+Q).(P’+Q’).(P’+Q)+P


  1. Differentiate between a tautology and a contradiction.
  2. What are adders? Give its utility.
  3. Explain 3 input XNOR gate with the truth table.
  4. Give an application of a multiplexer.
  5. Draw the truth table to prove the propositional logic expression: a<=>b=(a =>b).(b =>a)


  1. Simplify using Boolean algebra. At each step state clearly the law used: X.Y. (X.Y+Y.Z)
  2. State the De Morgan’s laws. Verify any one of them using truth table.
  3. Find the complement of F(a,b,c,d)=[a+{(b+c).(b’+d’)}]
  4. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XOR gate.


  1. What is the difference between syllogism and premises?
  2. What do you understand by a contrapositive statement? Explain giving example.
  3. Differentiate between universal and fundamental gates.
  4. Give any four examples of non-primitive data types.
  5. What do you understand by Grey Code? How is it different from Binary Code?


  1. Draw the simplified diagram using NAND gates F(A,B,C)=∑(0,1,2,5)
  2. In an array of real numbers ARR[-25….10,-10…..20], Base address is 1234. Find the address of ARR[6][8] when array is stored row major wise. Assume each real number requires 4 bytes.
  3. What do you mean by idempotence law? Explain giving example.
  4. Differentiate between runtime error and syntax error.
  5. Which escape sequence represents (i) audible bell(alert) (ii) Question mark


  1. State De Morgan’s Law
  2. Find the complement of F(a,b,c,d)=[m’+{(n’.p)+(n+m’)}]
  3. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XOR gate.
  4. What are universal gates and why are they called so?


  1. Draw the logic gate and truth table for XNOR gate.
  2. Give the minterm designation of- i)p+q’+r ii)m’.n.o.p
  3. State the difference between SOP and canonical SOP expressions.
  4. How are minterms and maxterms related to each other.


  1. Define Absorption Law. Prove it with help of truth table.
  2. Use De Morgan’s Law to find the complement of the following. Can it be represented by a single gate? If yes name it. A’B’+AB
  3. State De morgan’s Law of Boolean Algebra and verify one of the laws using truth tables.
  4. Explain XOR Gate with help of truth table of three inputs.
  5. Obtain the simplified form for a Boolean Expression. F(a,b,c,d)=∑(1,2,3,11,12,14,15) using Karnaugh Maps.


  1. Draw the logic circuit of a decimal to binary encoder.
  2. State any two application of multiplexer.
  3. Compare Selection srt and Bubble Sort.
  4. Define Inheritence with its advantages.
  5. An array m[-2….-5,-1….4] is stored using row major implementation the the address of m[0][0] is 176 and the address of m[4][5] is 230. Find tne address of [3][2].


  1. Use the truth table to show that : (A.B+C)+(A.B)’=1
  2. State the two absorption laws. Verify one of them using the truth table.
  3. Convert the given function to its equivalent POS form F(A,B,C)=(2,6,7)
  4. Convert the given following function as a sum of minterms: F(X,Y,Z)=X.Y+Y’.Z
  5. Simplify using laws of Boolean – (P+Q).(P’+Q’).(P’+Q)+P


  1. Define function overloading with an example.
  2. What are adders? Give its utility.
  3. Explain 3 input Xnor gate with the truth table.
  4. Give the application of stack.
  5. An array A[-10…5,2…8] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the address is 5000, determine the location of A[1][5] when the array is stored row major wise.


  1. Simplify the following Boolean expression using laws of Boolean Algebra. At each step state clearly the law used for simplification. X.Y.(X.Y+Y.Z)
  2. STATE THE De Morgan’s Laws. Verify any one of them using the truth table.
  3. Convert the following SOP into its corresponding POS: F(O,V,W,)=O’.V’.W’+O’.VV’.W+O’.V.W+O.V’.W
  4. Find the complement of F(a,b,c,d)=[a+{(b+c).(b’+d’)}]
  5. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XOR gate.


  1. Convert the following infix expression to its postfix form. (A+(B*C))/(C-(D*B))
  2. Each element of an array X[-15…10,15…40] requires one byte of storage. If the array is stored in column major order with the beginning location 1500, determine the location of X[5,20].
  3. Explain any two standarad ways of traversing a Binary tree.
  4. What is meant by visibility mode in the definition of derived class inheritance? Explain any two visibility modes available.


  1. State the two Absorption laws of Boolean Algebra. Verify any one of them using the truth table.
  2. Find the complement of F(m,n,o)=m’.n.o’+m’.n’.o
  3. Write the product of sum form for the Boolean function F(A,B,C) whose output is 0 only when: A=1,B=0,C=0 A=0,B=1,C=0 A=0,B=0,C=1 A=1,B=1,C=1
  4. Simplify a.b+a’.c+b.c using the laws of Boolean Algebra.
  5. Why is the NOR gate regarded as a Universal gate? Draw the logic gate symbol and make the truth table for the two input NOR gate.


  1. Convert the following infix expression to its postfix form. A+[(B+C)+D+E)*F]/G
  2. In an array of real numbers ARR[25[25],ARR[1][1] is stored in location 1000. Find the address of ARR[12][12] when the array is stored row major wise. Assume each real number requires 4 bytes.
  3. Reduce the following three input function into its simplest form: F(X,Y,Z)=(0,1,3,5)
  4. Define a queue. How is a deque different from a queue?
  5. Define Encapsulation and Polymorphism.


  1. State the distributive law? Verify it using the truth table.
  2. What is the canonical form of Boolean Expression? State the two types of canonical form.
  3. Using NOR gates only, draw AND,OR and NOT gate.
  4. What is the application of Boolean Algebra in Computer Science.
  5. Reduce the following to its simplest form using laws of Boolean Algebra. At each step clearly state the law used for simplification. AB’+A’BC’+(AC)’+BC


  1. What is data structure? What are the different types of data structure?
  2. With a suitable example state the difference between runtime and syntax error.
  3. State the different application of stack?
  4. Convert the following into its postfix: (A+B/C)+B-C*D+C
  5. An array ARR[10][5] is stored in memory with each element requiring 2 bytes of storage. If the element ARR[0][0] is stored at the location 1250, Calculate the location of ARR[5][6] when the array is stored row major wise.


  1. Using Boolean Algebra show that the dual of exclusive OR is equivalent to the complement of exclusive OR.
  2. Show that A+A.B=A+B using the truth table.
  3. Define maxterm and minterm of a Boolean expression. What is the relation between them (show it by example)
  4. What types of multivibrators are used for clock generators in digital computer system? Why are clocks needed in a digital computer system?
  5. Reduce the following into its simplest form using laws of Boooean Algebra. At each step state clearly the law used for simplications. C.D+A+A+C.D+A.B


  1. Show how a NAND gate can be used to simulate the function of NOT, AND & OR gates.
  2. State the principle of duality. Give an example.
  3. Convert the following infix expressin to its postfix form. (P-Q)/(R*(S-T)+U)
  4. What do you understand by status flag? Name any two status flags.
  5. An array A[5][4] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the base address of A[0][0] is 3000. Determine the location of A[3][2] when the array is stored row major wise.


  1. State the utility of logic gates. Name any two universal gates.
  2. State De morgan’s Laws. Verify any one of them using truth table.
  3. Simplify the given expression using laws of Boolean algebra. A.(B.C)’+(A.B.C)’
  4. Find the complement of: F(a,b,c,d)=[A+(A’+A.B.C)]
  5. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XNOR gate.


  1. If K=A+B.C, then prove that K.K’=0 and K+K’=1
  2. Draw the logic gate diagram for the following functionusing NOR gate only. F(a,b,c)=A.(A’+B’). You may use gate with more than 2 inputs. Write the output at every stage.
  3. Write the canonical POS for the Boolean function denoted by the expression F(A,B,C)=∑(1,2,3,6,7)
  4. Represent the Boolean functions F(a,b)=a.b. using only NOT and OR gates.
  5. An array arrr[5][4] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the base address of arr[0][0] is 4000, determine the location of arr[2][4] when each element is stored row major wise.


  1. Show that A+A’.B=A+B using truth table.
  2. State the De morgan’s Laws. Verify any one of them using truth table.
  3. Simplify the following 3 input function into its simplest form. F(x,y,z)=∑(1,2,4,5,6)
  4. Find the complement of: F(a,b,c,d)=[a’+{(b+c).(b’+d’)}]
  5. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XNOR gate.


  1. If P=A+B.C, then prove that P.P’=0 and P+P’=1
  2. Draw the logic gate diagram and truth table for XNOR gate only. F(a,b,c)=ab+a.b’+c. you may use gate with more than 2 inputs. Write the output at every stage.
  3. What is DECODER? State any one of its applications.
  4. Represent the Boolean Functions F(a,b)=a+b. using only NOT and OR gates.
  5. What is a UNIVERSAL gates? Name them.